Integrated Value vs. Shared Value and CSR 2.0

Briefing No 5.

How is the theory of integrated value different from shared value? And how does this replace your CSR 2.0 model?

The two questions I have been asked most since I began developing the theory of integrated value (IV) in 2014 are:

    1. How is this different to Michael Porter and Mark Kramer’s concept of shared value? (popularised in Harvard Business Review in 2011)
    2. And does this replace your CSR 2.0 model (popularised in my books The Age of Responsibility and CSR 2.0 in 2011 and 2014)?

In this article, I will try to make these differences clear. Unlike John Elkington’s recent management concept recall of the triple bottom line, I am not trying to retract or replace shared value and CSR 2.0, but rather to build on and complement their ideas.

Author: Dr. Prof. Wayne Visser

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